What is Distance Healing?

Energy & Vibrations

Everything in the Universe vibrates and has energy. Vibrations are how we sense energy. And everything has a vibratory rate: you, your pet, your chair, middle C on a piano, a water molecule, a banana; any physical or non-physical entity.

The ability to sense subtle energy (vibes) is what is often referred to as “the sixth sense.” Vibrational sensitivity is vital for spiritual communication and healing.

It’s a sense that can vary like any other. Hearing can range from “tone deaf” to “perfect pitch”. Not many are born with perfect pitch, but with practice, you can learn to tell the difference between notes.

We all have ESP (extrasensory perception) or “the sixth sense.” And with practice, we can tell the difference between two vibrations.


We all have the ability to heal ourselves and others. Those who have “the gift” of healing, simply have a greater natural ability. But we all have this gift.

It is important for you to see yourself as a healer, and believe in your innate ability to heal.

In your session, I’m essentially your healing guide. Athletes have coaches, students have tutors, kiddos have parents.

I notice where you are, what’s working in your favor, what might be holding you back, and provide you the clarity and energetic boost to move forward.

As we start to consciously move through our journey, our subconscious wounds move to the surface to heal. This isn’t fun, or easy, but it’s always worth it!

How does it work?

To use a music analogy, a C note will vibrate at a certain rate. Different voices have different tones, some are warmer, deeper, breathier, but they’re all singing a C.

You’re a human, all humans have a similar vibration, but you as a specific human have a specific vibration. And this, your vibration, free of static, is your greatest healing energy!

Connecting with your truest vibration triggers your cells to remember their healthiest state.

In a session I will use various healing vibrations: different vibrations are more effective at healing different things. Healing vibrations work on a cellular level. Sometimes I might help you feel your own vibration, other times I will soothe or agitate your vibration. Just like sometimes we need hydrogen peroxide and sometimes we need aloe vera.


How you’ll feel

Connected to Yourself: body, Mind, & Spirit

What to Expect

  • Energy healing sessions are conducted virtually. I work with clients across the country, and even internationally.

  • To have moments of deep relaxation as well as moments of deep release.

  • Different people sense energy in different ways. Some feel changes in temperature, others feel a buzzing, some may see colors or images, or even hear or smell things associated with whatever we’re working on.

  • Throughout the session, I give you the “play-by-play” narration of the experience to help you understand and be in touch with what is occurring.

  • I have practiced different kinds of energy healing. No two session are alike. I combine all of my experiences. Sessions could include aspects of craniosacral therapy, channeling, Light healing, Pranic Healing, soul integration, revitalizing of the aura or chakras, and more.

  • Note: I do not provide medical care during these appointment, but may point you towards appropriate medical care if I am guided to do so.